It was around Veterans' Day 1986, in front of the Lincoln Memorial, on the steps by the reflecting pool that I was found by the guys from Binh Phouc. "Britt Small and Festival" was playing a concert and, as they played a song in tribute to the women who served, Britt invited the women to stand in front of the band. We each introduced ourselves by name, job, and Division. Then a woman came out dressed as the living statue, proposed to be the Women's Memorial, which we prayed would one day be placed near the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Wall to recognize the women who had served in Vietnam. Those sitting on the steps immediately came forward and put money in the helmet and hugged each of the women standing in the line. It was truly overwhelming to see so much support from our Brothers who wanted to help fund the Vietnam Women's Memorial. Emotions ran high for all of us and, as we left the spotlight to again take our places in the audience, each and every woman felt that her service had been recognized and appreciated by those who mattered most, our Brothers. As I walked back, a chant floated to my ears, wonderfully familiar with it's tinge of obscenity - "Binh Phouc, Binh Phouc, Binh Phouc" and suddenly I was hugging my Brothers from Nam. It was the first time that I found a group who had served with the 9th Infantry and it was at that moment that I truly felt welcomed home. When I began putting up this website, I was extremely disappointed to discover that I had taken no photos of Binh Phouc. I really wanted to have some photos on this page as a tribute to my friends who welcomed me home so many years after the war. All I can say is that apparently I was having so much fun when I was at Binh Phouc that I forgot to take pictures. If
any of you have photos that you would like to share on this page, please email
me. Fortunately,
Bob Pries has put up a wonderful website about his time at Binh Phouc, so please
visit his site and see his pictures. From
my guestbook: